The Boys' Brigade the biggest Christian organisation for boys and girls in the UK. Through various activities it aims to support young people and children by providing an opportunity to meet together and take part in fun and educational experiences.
1st New Deer Boys' Brigade was started in the 1980's and grown throughout the years with a number of young people going on to achieve the highest award in the organisation - The Queen's Badge. As the young people progress they will also be encouraged to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
We aim to provide a place for young people that is safe, fun and enhances them as individuals as they continue to grow. We want to build their confidence and relationships with other young people and the wider community.
1st New Deer is part of the wider Buchan Battalion and hold annual parades and regular competitions with surrounding Companies.
The Object of the Boys' Brigade is:
"The advancement of Christ's kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness."
Its Motto is "Sure and Steadfast", taken from Hebrews chapter 6 verse 19.
The BB's is split into four sections, which cover different age groups;
The Anchor Boys - Primary 1-3
The Junior Section - Primary 4 - 6
The Company Section - P7 to 15 years
The Seniors - Up to 19 years
To find out more about The Boys' Brigade click on the link below.
To stay informed about all the news and events visit the 1st New Deer Boy's Brigade Facebook page.
For more information about the Buchan Battalion visit their Facebook page.