The Seniors meet together with the Company Section and is for those in S4 - S6. In addition to the activites of the Company Section, Seniors get involved in a number of more advanced activities, including being given the responsibility of leadership within different sections of 1st New Deer BB's.
For Seniors, the achievements scheme is primarily geared towards the Duke of Edinburgh's Award (see below) and the President's and Queen's badges, which involve similar work to the DoE.
There is also a specific Senior's Badge, which covers a wide variety of activities from charity work and sports on BB night to the recent work on skills for new drivers and car maintenance.
The Queen's Badge
The Queen's Badge is the highest award within the BB's it provides new opportunities, builds better relationships and encourages young people to be responsible for themselves and others. There is a number of criteria for a young person to complete for them to be awarded the Queen's Badge.
- Hold the President's Badge
- Attend a Candidate's Meeting
- Participate in skills-based training
- Take responsibility within the BB or Church
- Provide voluntary service or support to others outside the BB or Church
- Develop Interests (Skills, Physical, Expedition)
- Participate in a Completion Residential
- Record Activity
Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Boys at Senior age level are encouraged to take part in The Duke of Edinburgh Award. Several of our young men have already come through the programme and been awarded their Gold badge at Holyrood Palace.
This is a chance to get more out of life, experience new things, help others and meet new people, as well as getting something to enhance your CV. Activities include learning a new skill, helping other members of the community, taking part in a regular physical activity and enduring an expedition in the hills.