St. Kane's, New Deer

Our Minister is Rev. Aileen McFie: 01771 644631

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Company Section

The Company Section is for those in P7 to 15/16 years old. This is a chance for young people to learn new and build on existing skills. Young people are encouraged to more to think and take pride in personal appearance and to continue to build on their confidence and self-esteem.

Every evening includes parade and drill to encourage the young people to take pride in their uniform, to be self-disiplined and to be part of a squad.

Along with usual fun activites there is also more focus on badge work at this age group. Areas including crime prevention, first aid, wildlife study and music are explored. There are often larger projects undertaken including historical research and life-skills.

There are also a number of weekends away at adventure camps, hillwalking expeditions and visits to local areas of interest including Police and Fire Stations and nature reserves.

The young people also take part in fundraising activites and this year our company held its Burn Supper evening for parents and members of the wider community.

Picture opposite: 1st New Deer Burns Supper 2017


There is also a chance for those who are committed to preapre for work towards their Duke of Edinburgh badge. There is a chance to be awarded the BB's President Badge.  

Picture opposite: Battalion President Lt Michael Strachan, Matthew Wheeler, Scott Sivewright (both with President Badge, and Inspecting Officer Captain Martin Dunbar)



Company Section meet in St Kane’s hall (the school gym hall) on a Friday from 6.30pm-8.30pm.


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