Youth Trip to Malawi Summer 2015
Speakers for the night Ross Penny & Elsie McRae
Meeting led by Anne Dickinson and Wilma Elphinstone
Wilma welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened the meeting in prayer.
Gay presented the balance sheet dispersement of funds will take place at our committee meeting on Wednesday 13th April 2016.
Our first hymn of the evening was MP10 "Amazing Grace" followed by Anne reading Pslam 23 Elsie McRae's choice. Anne went on to intoduce the speakers who were no strangers to us Ross had attened our church when younger and Elsie who is a youth leader at the church. Ross and Elsie showed slides of the Youth trip to M'Buka in Malawi where the young people had the experience of visiting hospitals, planting gardens,meeting other village communities, their three weeks were packed with activity Ross told us how grateful he had been to the Guild for paying some of the trip and said " it was a experience he would take with him all his life". Anne thanked Elsie & Ross for sharing thier experiences and also Frances for playing the keyboard for our hymns.The offering was collected and blessed before everyone sang our final hymn M.P. 63" Guide me o you greet redeemer".Wilma closed the meeting in prayer.
We finished by everyone having a relaxing flycup giving everyone the opportunity to talk individualy to our speakers.