St. Kane's, New Deer

Our Minister is Rev. Aileen McFie: 01771 644631

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Guild February 2016

St Kane’s Guild Meeting

Thursday 25th February 2016

DVD of the national Church of Scotland Guild AGM held in Dundee August 2015

-Sandra, Rhona, Margaret
Sandra welcomed everyone to the evening and opened with an over view of the Guilds theme for 2015-18 'Be bold , be strong ' .

The DVD followed.
The moderator of the general assembly's talk reiterated the guilds theme and praised the work done by the Guilds around Scotland raising funds supporting their projects and their own churches. A dedicated presence in their local communities. He encouraged the guild to share their faith with the next generation. He also encouraged 'shalom' and the important role of the peacemaker and how guild members can themselves be peacemakers. The power of time for prayer was encouraged as the way to  free the spirit from the stress and worry from our lives.
The guild Convener and guild colleagues spoke about the lasting impact of the work of Mary Slessor in Nigeria and her legacy of the celebration of twins and multiple births.
The guild joined in with the singing from the dvd-Be Bold Be Strong and Give Thanks for a Grateful Heart.
Tea and coffee served with pancakes were served by Rhona and Margaret.

Planning for the World Day of Prayer 4th March 7pm was discussed and completed.

The Guild Presbytery AGM is at Cruden Church 10th March 7.30
The Guild theme and topic day is in New Deer church centre 26th March 2016

Anne Milne showed us a picture of the chosen sample of the new Church of Scotland Guild Tartan.

The meeting closed in prayer.

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