Anne Milne opened in prayer and everyone sang MP 195 "Rejoice the Lord is king". Margaret read Jeremiah 32 v 17 " Sovereign Lord, you made the earth and the sky by your great power and might, nothing is too difficult for you". Anne then introduced our guest speaker Connie Andrews the members then went on to enjoy a very inspiring talk about the marvellous work of Rehoboth Children's Homes Trust in the Philippines. They celebrate their 35th Anniversary in November this year. Connie and her late husband Vernon were involved from the start back in 1981. Read more about their work
The offering was uplifted while everyone sang MP "185 Praise God from whom all blessing flow" The evening drew to a close by singing MP 169 "Oh happy day and closing prayer.
St Kanes Guild dedication service was held during the Morning Service on Sunday 20th September 2016